Portuguese Voices is a weekly Doc Series about the Portuguese American Spirituality and Culture. It is weekly broadcasted in RTA and streamed at Facebook and YouTube.
As "Vozes Portuguesas" é um programa documental semanal acerca dos Luso-Americanos abordando temas da sua espiritualidade e cultura. Este programa será difundido na estação televisiva RTA e streamed em Facebook e YouTube.
Produced and Directed by Fr Luís Proença
Selected Works
Episode 01 - July 8th, 2020
Portuguese Voices is a weekly program about the Portuguese American Sprituality and Culture. As "Vozes Portuguesas" é um programa semanal acerca dos Luso-Americanos abordando temas da sua espiritualidade e cultura. Produzido e Realizado pelo Fr. Luís Proença
Episode 02 - July 15th, 2020
Portuguese Voices is a weekly program about the Portuguese American Sprituality and Culture. As "Vozes Portuguesas" é um programa semanal acerca dos Luso-Americanos abordando temas da sua espiritualidade e cultura. Produzido e Realizado pelo Fr. Luís Proença
Episode 03 - July 22th, 2020
This 3rd week we'll be speaking about the Feasts of the Holy Spirit origins and in Artesia plus an historical interview with Abel Alves (DES and RTA active member).
Este terceira semana iremos falar das origens das Festas do Espirito Santo assim como das festas em Artesia. Será acompanhada duma entrevista com Abel Alves (membro activo do DES e RTA)
Episode 4 - July 29th, 2020
This 4th week we'll be speaking about the Portuguese-American comunities in Hawaii. It will have an actual interview with Audrey Rocha Reed - Maui Heritage Hall - and an historical interview with Beatriz Almeida.
Nesta quarta semana iremos falar dascomunidades Portuguesas-Americanas nas ilhas do Hawaii. Será companhada duma entrevista actual com Audrey Rocha Reed (Maui Heritage Hall) e duma entrevista histórica com Beatriz Almeida.
Episode 05 - August 5th, 2020
This 5th week we'll continue speaking about the Portuguese-American communities in Hawaii and their Feast of the Holy Ghost. It will have an actual interview with Audrey Rocha Reed regarding the Holy Ghost Church in Maui. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Evelina DaRosa e Evelyn DaRosa Feliciano.
Nesta quinta semana continuaremos a nossa conversa com Audrey Rocha Reed sobre a pequena e histórica Igreja do Espírito Santo em Maui e duma entrevista histórica com Evelina DaRosa e Evelyn DaRosa Feliciano.
Episode 06 - Aug 12th, 2020
This 6th week we'll speak about the Portuguese-American communities in Turlock and their Feast of the Our Lady of Assumption. It will have an actual interview with Father Manuel Fontes Sousa regarding Our Lady of Assumption Portuguese community and Church in Turlock, California. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Manuel Eduardo Vieira.
Nesta sexta semana continuaremos a nossa conversa sobre as comunidades Portuguesas-Americanas em Turlock e as suas celebrações das Festas de Nossa Senhora da Assunção.
Episode 07- Aug 19th, 2020
This 7th week we'll speak about the Portuguese-American communities in Southern California. It will have an actual interview with Steve Miranda, member of the Portuguese-Azorean community in Artesia, CA. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Deacon Vitor Silveira and his wife Carmina Silveira.
Nesta sexta semana continuaremos a nossa conversa sobre as comunidades Portuguesas-Americanas no Sul da Califórnia.
Episode 08- Aug 26th, 2020
This 7th week we'll speak about the Portuguese-American communities in Southern California. It will have an actual interview with Steve Miranda, member of the Portuguese-Azorean community in Artesia, CA. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Deacon Vitor Silveira and his wife Carmina Silveira.
Nesta sexta semana continuaremos a nossa conversa sobre as comunidades Portuguesas-Americanas no Sul da Califórnia.
Episode 09 - Sept 2nd, 2020
In this 9th week of Portuguese Voices we'll speak about the Portuguese-American communities in New Bedford, MA and in Artesia, CA. It will have an actual interview with the Director of the Whaling Museum in New Bedford, MA. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with João Vieira Nunes and Maria Rocha Nunes.
Nesta nona semana continuaremos a nossa conversa sobre as comunidades Portuguesas-Americanas de New Bedford.
Episode 10 - Sept 9th, 2020
In this 10th week of Portuguese Voices we'll speak about the Portuguese-American communities in Maui, HI and in Ontario & Turlock, CA. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with José and Madalena Pimentel and Marcelo Pimentel.
Nesta décima semana continuaremos a nossa conversa sobre as comunidades Portuguesas-Americanas de Maui, Ontario e Turlock, CA e duma entrevista histórica com José e Madalena Pimentel e Marcelo Pimentel.
Episode 11 - Sept 16th, 2020
In this 11th week of Portuguese Voices we'll speak with the Portuguese Honorary Consul in Southern California, Paulo Menezes, we’ll hear one story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with the Portuguese Honorary Consul in Hawaii, Ernest Morgado de Sousa.
Nesta décima primeira semana continuaremos a nossa conversa com o Cônsul Honorário de Portugal no Sul da Califórnia, Paulo Menezes e também continuamos a ouvir as histórias contadas pelo P. Manuel Sousa.
Episode 12 - Sept 23rd, 2020
In this 12th week of the Doc Series “Portuguese Voices,” we'll speak with Fr. John Oliveira from New Bedford, MA and we will hear another story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Dolores Furtado Martins and Watters Martin, Jr. from O’ahu, HI.
Nesta décima segunda semana da Série Documental “Portuguese Voices,” iremos ouvir o Padre John Oliveira de New Bedford, MA e também continuamos a ouvir as histórias contadas pelo P. Manuel Sousa.
Episode 13 - Sept. 30th, 2020
In this 13th week of the Doc Series “Portuguese Voices,” we'll speak with Anabela Viralhadas from Los Angeles, CA. Anabela will cook a pastel de Natas for us! We will hear another story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with David Freitas from Newman, CA.
Nesta décima terceira semana da Série Documental “Portuguese Voices,” iremos ouvir Anabela Viralhadas de Los Angeles. Anabela irá cozinhar pasteis de Natas! E continuamos a ouvir as histórias contadas pelo P. Manuel Sousa.
Episode 14 - October 7th, 2020
In this 13th week of the Doc Series “Portuguese Voices,” we'll speak with Anabela Viralhadas from Los Angeles, CA. Anabela will cook a pastel de Natas for us! We will hear another story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with David Freitas from Newman, CA.
Nesta décima terceira semana da Série Documental “Portuguese Voices,” iremos ouvir Anabela Viralhadas de Los Angeles. Anabela irá cozinhar pasteis de Natas! E continuamos a ouvir as histórias contadas pelo P. Manuel Sousa.
Episode 15 - Oct. 14th, 2020
In this 15th week of the Doc Series “Portuguese Voices,” we'll speak with Fr. Blane Grein, OFM from Chinle, AZ. We’ll speak also with Betty Mello Ormonde from Artesia, CA. We will hear another story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Noélia de Sousa from Turlock, CA..
Nesta décima quinta semana da Série Documental “Portuguese Voices,” iremos ouvir o Padre Blane Grein, OFM. Iremos falar também com Betty Mello Ormonde de Artesia, CA.
Episode 16 - Oct. 21st, 2020
In this 16th week of the Doc Series “Portuguese Voices,” we'll speak with Jorge Melo from Half Moon Bay, CA. We will hear another story from Fr. Manuel Sousa in Turlock. We’ll conclude with a historical interview with Doris Silva Correia Naumu from Oa’hu, HI.
Nesta décima quinta semana da Série Documental “Portuguese Voices,” iremos ouvir Jorge Melo de Half Moon Bay, CA. E continuamos a ouvir as histórias contadas pelo P. Manuel Sousa.